
Emergency Breathing Systems training (EBS) is an essential course for in water survival which is normally delivered in conjunction with HUET.  It can however be delivered as a stand-alone course or training.  Access to and the correct use of an EBS can add vital seconds to your survival time allowing you the opportunity to overcome additional difficulties such as blocked exits, disorientation, and assisting others.

It can also potentially assist you successfully egress from a smoke-filled cabin following a land-based emergency landing.

EBS is the same as SCUBA diving where you breathe compressed air underwater.  Even the slightest depth of 1.5 meters can cause complications if you are not trained.  Our expert SCUBA trainers with years of aviation survival experience are there to guide you successfully through this training.

HUET training program consists of the units (individually or clustered):

  1. AVIF2014 Undertake aircraft underwater escape and survival
  2. AVIF2015 Utilise emergency breathing system
  3. PMAWHS214 Undertake helicopter safety and escape


Devocean Dive has over 15 years of experience in HUET training and offer flexible delivery options including onsite pool training facilities at Southport or transportable training operations to cater for local delivery. Please contact Devocean directly at, their website or  call 0408460655

HUET program delivery method

Training will be delivered face to face where the student will attend classes with qualified trainers and assessors, including practice and assessment of skills using a hands-on approach. An online learning management system also supports the students during their course of study.

Training may be in a clustered format with multiple units commencing or in single unit delivery which will be determined on individual program requirements. This training plan requirement will be discussed with the organisation to suit locality and other needs.

Courses are run regularly across Australia.  Group training can be tailored to your organisation needs. We also offer a one-on-one personalised service at our Gold Coast facility. 

Call on 0408460655 to book